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Black Friday discounts from Delphi related third party vendors (2019)

There are some discounts appearing for the upcoming shopping weekend. Below are a few and this blog post will be updated if more are discovered. Aquafold has a special 20% Cyber Monday sal...

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Subversion isn't dead - get a 1GB repo free forever

Many people think the battle was won long ago and that GIT is the undisputed victor in the version control war. I imagine that everyone will agree that GitHub, GitLab, AWS CodeCommit, and Azure Dev...

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Update 3 for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio has been released!

This is likely the last update for 10.3 Rio before we get a new major release sometime in 2020. That is, besides hotfixes/patches of course - and there’s already a patch available for fixing a pr...

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Simple SVG images in Delphi applications

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) are becoming more popular as an alternative to providing custom sized icons for the various target devices in use. In the old days it certainly felt much easier. Of c...

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Product Review: Pascal Expert

The Delphi and Pascal developer community has historically had many active third-party tools and components. The current perception held by many is that the majority of these solutions have been ne...

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DLL Injection with Delphi

I had recently spent some time playing around with the simple to use DelphiDetours package from Mahdi Safsafi https://github.com/MahdiSafsafi/DDetours One missing feature is the ability to inject...